Nobel Prize-winning Astronomer Michel Mayor on Technology, Communication and Environmental Stewardship

An Interview with Nobel Prize Winner Michel Mayor

We had the pleasure of speaking with Nobel Prize-winning astronomer Michel Mayor during the ESET Science Award 2023. During our conversation, we delved into the intersection of technology and scientific discovery, strategies for making science accessible to all, and the imperative of fostering environmental stewardship among young people. In this short video, Professor Mayor offers his insights on these topics and more.

One topic that was particularly interesting to us was Professor Mayor’s perspective on technology driving scientific progress. He believes that while technology has certainly played a role in advancing scientific knowledge, it is important not to let it overshadow human curiosity and intuition. “Technology can aid in our research, but it should never replace the fundamental human drive to explore and understand the world around us,” he said.

Another area where Professor Mayor has a lot to say is about communicating complex scientific concepts to the broader public. He believes that scientists have a responsibility to make their work accessible to everyone, not just fellow experts. “It is essential that we find ways to communicate our discoveries in language that is clear and easy to understand,” he said. “Science should be for everyone, not just a select few.”

Finally, Professor Mayor emphasized the importance of fostering a sense of responsibility among young people towards the preservation of planet Earth. He believes that education must play a key role in this effort. “We must teach our children about the fragility of our planet and the importance of protecting it for future generations,” he said. “By cultivating a sense of environmental stewardship in our youth, we can ensure that they will carry on our legacy as caretakers of this beautiful planet.”

Overall, it was an absolute pleasure speaking with Michel Mayor at ESET Science Award 2023. We encourage you to watch his full interview here: Can we recognize intelligent life in the Universe?. Be sure to connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn

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